Local search marketing is the management of a business's presence across local search directories, including Google. Not only are these directories a great informational resource for users, they are increasingly playing an important role in SEO. Consistency and thoroughness of online listings are reaffirming signals to search engines that they are serving accurate information to searchers and providing a positive user experience.
In addition to their usefulness from an SEO perspective, local search directories are largely where online reviews occur. These reviews can play an important role in a potential customer's decision to use your product or service.
Through local search marketing, business owners can ensure that users are always able to find them with complete and accurate information anytime they may be needed.
Local search marketing serves many important roles for business owners. It helps ensure complete and accurate listings of your business across all platforms, it boosts SEO efforts, and it helps keep a finger on the pulse of your online reputation through reviews.
With local search marketing, businesses gain greater control over where and how they appear online.
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masterfully crafted by Jared Broussard.