The more eyeballs that land on your content, the better it will perform. Seems like a no brainer, right? Yet, due to lingering misconception, many bloggers find themselves hesitant to place their content anywhere other than their own site. Google is well-known for keeping their ranking factors and algorithms close to the vest, leaving it up to marketers to determine best practices between the few tidbits that are provided and their own trial and error.
The fear of having your site penalized through duplicate content has become pervasive, causing many bloggers to steer clear of featuring their writing on other platforms that may have a wider, more interactive audience. However, despite its prevalence, this fear is unfounded. When approached the right way and without the intent to manipulate search engines, many can actually make a positive impact through duplicate content.
So, if it’s really okay to replicate your content across other platforms, which ones should you use? There are, of course, many options to consider, and determining the best one will come down to where it will have the greatest potential impact and which are most readily available to you. Here are the main avenues you will want to consider outside of your own site:
When posting your content across multiple sources, consider which of these versions search engines should view as the original. While Google may not penalize duplicate content, it is likely to prefer one version for ranking results. Help it decide which to choose by using one of these two methods:
In the case of cross-posting your original content to another site, the best option is to request a rel=canonical link be included on that page. However, you may often get a “no,” and that’s okay. In that case, move to option two.
If you have great content, make it work to its fullest potential. Don’t shy away from sharing your content on outside platforms for fear of penalty. Instead, make sure that you are approaching cross-posted content the right way and sending clear signals to Google about its origins and which page to rank. As put by Google Webmaster Trends Analyst, John Mueller: “It’s definitely not a penalty, because we aren’t penalizing any of these sites for having the same text. We just see for the user, it doesn’t make sense to show all of these copies of the same thing.”