Google Ads is made up of two distinct networks - the search network and the display network. Your advertising will be far more effective if you understand the difference between the two networks from the start.
With the search network or pay-per-click ads (PPC), your text ads appear on the search engine results page, and you only pay for an ad when it is clicked. These text ads usually appear in the first 3 to 4 results at the top of the search engine results page, but they can also be found at the bottom of the page. Because search ads are associated with the search query entered into the search engine by the user, Pay-Per-Click ads help the user instantly capitalize on an existing want or need. The instant gratification generated by PPC ads provide the ideal formula for a successful ad campaign by running ads at the right time, in the right place, and with the right message.
The Google Display Network (GDN) runs display advertising on websites and apps on nearly 90 percent of the web. These ads come in all shapes and sizes and consist of banner ads, rich media ads, video ads, and text ads. Unlike the search network, the Google Display network catch people when they are passively browsing online, but they are not actively searching for a product or service.
Google Ads leverage Google's incredible search network and get you to the top of results quickly. They allow you to reach targeted consumers not only based on the way they search and keywords used, they can also allow you to stay top of mind for previous visitors to your website through retargeting. To top it all off, Google Ads leave you completely in the driver's seat of where and how your ads run and how much you spend - decisions that are greatly supported through
detailed analytics.
Create Meaningful Advertising for your Prospects.
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